在线赌博马术研究课程旨在为学生提供一个机会来定义自己的需求和目标,并创建一个职业规划,以促进他们的成就. 在线赌博为您提供机会,将马术辅修课程与我们现有的专业之一结合起来,为您准备各种各样的职业生涯.



在线赌博马术研究课程旨在为学生提供一个机会来定义自己的需求和目标,并创建一个职业规划,以促进他们的成就. 在线赌博为您提供机会,将马术辅修课程与我们现有的专业之一结合起来,为您准备各种各样的职业生涯.







For the 16 credits required for the equestrian studies minor, you must take a minimum of 8 credits in theory and 4 credits in activity courses. The remaining 4 credits are elective; they may be selected from either the activity and/or theory categories.

EQUS 101 -英语骑术I

对没有或很少有骑马经验的学生开放,在步行时教授基本的猎人座位马术, 小跑和慢跑. 主题包括马的梳理, 蹄保健, 安全程序(安装和卸载), 骑行装备保养, 马的健康. (体育要求)

EQUS 102 -英语马术II

更先进的狩猎座位骑手介绍了更复杂的平面和跳跃x轨道和小垂直. 该课程强调安全,并训练骑手认识到自己在赛道上的能力, 在路上, 或者在谷仓里. 主题包括马匹护理和马匹管理. 前提条件:EQUS 101或讲师的许可. (体育要求)

EQUS 103 -英语马术III

Riders entering this course should have a secure hunt seat position at the walk, 小跑和慢跑 and should exhibit good control over single fences (two feet). 本课程将加强骑手在平地和围栏上的位置,因为骑手将进入更复杂的平地和跳跃小赛道. 先决条件:EQUS 102或教师的许可.

EQUS 104 -英语马术IV

在这个水平的骑手应该有能力走,小跑,慢跑,跳跃与良好的马术. 本课程将通过更高的围栏和更复杂的赛道,进一步提高骑手在平地和围栏上的能力. 骑手将被介绍基本的课程设计,并将被要求参加在马术中心举行的学校表演. 先决条件:EQUS 103或教师的许可.

EQUS 105 -盛装舞步入门

Open to students with intermediate experience in riding English. Basic flatwork for any discipline of riding will be covered both in theory and practice. Riders will be introduced to basic dressage training and entry level dressage tests. 先决条件:EQUS 102或教师的许可.

EQUS 107 -综合训练

专注于三个领域:盛装舞步, 越野赛和场地障碍赛, students are given an introductory working and riding knowledge of Combined Training. 先决条件:EQUS 103或教师的许可.

EQUS 110-西部骑I

Open to students with little or no riding experience in the western disciplines. 教授的技能包括:西方的缰绳,马鞍,和骑马的散步,慢跑和奔跑. 主题包括修饰,蹄护理,冲刺,安全程序,马和设备的护理.

EQUS 111 -西部骑术II

Open to students with beginning experience in the western disciplines. 教授的技巧包括:西方的乐趣, 马术 and showmanship patterns. Topics include 安全程序, proper tack, attire, equipment, and care of horse. 先决条件:EQUS 110或讲师的许可.

EQUS 112 -西部骑术III

Open to students with intermediate experience in the western disciplines. 教授的技巧包括:西方的乐趣, 马术, showmanship and introductory trail obstacles found on trail course patterns. Topics include showing the all-around horse at breed shows, 安全程序, 爱护马匹和装备. 先决条件:EQUS 111或教师的许可.

EQUS 113 -西部骑马IV

Open to students with intermediate or above experience in the western disciplines. Skills taught include: speed events including barrel racing, 钢管弯曲, 股份竞赛, 还有系山羊. 主题包括:安全程序, 爱护马匹和装备 and introductory knowledge of team penning. 先决条件:EQUS 112或教师的许可.

EQUS 115 -盛装舞步II

引入了更高级的平面运动,骑手学习训练水平和一级测试所需的动作. 马术考试被引入,如果可能的话,我们鼓励骑手参加马术学校表演. Prerequisite: EQUS 103 or 105 or permission of instructor.

EQUS 118 -马术入门

Designed for the advanced rider who wants to become proficient in riding reining patterns. Lecture topics include: general knowledge and observation of reining patterns, 条件 of the horse needed to compete in reining, 健康, 安全问题,还有马掌的需要. 实验技能包括:绕圈,引线变化,旋转,下降,滑动停止和回滚. 先决条件:EQUS 112或教师的许可.

EQUS 120 -牵马驾驶I

Open to students with beginning experience on and around draft horses. Skills taught include: Origin and background on draft horse 品种, 利用, ground 开车 and handling the lines while 开车 both single and doubles.

EQUS 121-马车驾驶II

Lecture topics emphasize a survey of today's industry, 品种, 历史, 构象,驾驭和套索的原则, 以及役用马匹的管理. 也 included are showing procedures, breeding, foaling and training. Laboratory consists of hands-on experience in the handling, 利用, 搭车, 开车, 牵马和赶马的照料和管理. 先决条件:EQUS 120或教师的许可.

EQUS 125 -比赛表演跳跃

专为高级骑手谁想要进一步的骑马技能,跳过更多的技术和要求的课程. Riders are given the opportunity to participate in schooling shows in the 跳投 division. 先决条件:EQUS 103或教师的许可.

EQUS 201 -方程的艺术与理论

This course emphasizes the philosophy and theory of 骑马, 产生更深的理解和加强学生的精神和身体的方法骑. 马和骑手的训练和竞争心态都包括在内,骑手应该最大限度地利用他/她的坐骑,并了解这匹马的能力, 习惯和限制. 展示准备的资产. Prerequisite: EQUS 105 or 113 or permission of instructor.

EQUS 205 -马科学入门

本课程涵盖进化论的课堂研究, 历史, 解剖学, 营养, 疾病, 以及马的兽医方面. Hands on assignments and demonstrations using the University horses are part of the class. Speakers from various professions in the industry are also part of the class.

EQUS 210 -英语马术教学方法

本课程要求学生观察课堂教学,与教师讨论目标和方法,并强调安全. In time the student acts as an apprentice teacher under the instructor's supervision. 当准备好了, 学生承担讲师的角色,有责任建立安全规则和课堂课程. The student's efforts are reflected in the riders' progress. 先决条件:EQUS 103或教师的许可.

EQUS 211 -西方马术教学方法

Open to students with advanced experience in the western disciplines. Students will learn to teach beginning western pleasure skills. 学生将从观察到讨论方法和讲授安全实践, to actually working with a beginner student in a supervised setting. 先决条件:EQUS 112或教师的许可.

EQUS 215 -马管理

This course is designed to provide practical experience in barn management and equine care. 主题将包括:稳定管理, 对马健康的一般知识和观察, 条件, 牙科, 蹄保健, 内部和外部寄生虫. Lab skills will include: bandaging, taking vital signs, clipping, fitting and showmanship.

EQUS 218 -评判马匹表演

Open to students with advanced riding skills in either English or Western riding. Students will learn how to evaluate and place 构象, 笼头和性能等级按不同的标准由不同的组织和品种的马设定. 学生将参加在哥伦布市四分之一马大会举行的校际评审比赛, 俄亥俄州.

EQUS 220 -马的历史


EQUS 223-猎人和跳绳者课程设计

技术方面与猎人的区别, 跳投, 骑马, 并将讨论场地跳跃课程. 应用程序上的手将由在马术中心与协助教练一起为跳跃课程设置跳跃一起举行的表演中协助表演经理提供课程设计.

EQUS 225 -马的营养

本课程探讨消化生理学, 涉及碳水化合物, 蛋白质, 脂肪, 矿物质和维生素. 也, 一个实用的方法,适当的饲料和使用优质饲料,以保持马的健康和生产力.

EQUS 100 -专题(活动)

1 - 4学时
Various classes will be offered depending on student requests and availability of the staff. Topics to be covered will be: Starting a Young Horse Under Saddle, 让一匹小马越过围栏, 自然马术, 等.

EQUS 200 -专题(讲座)

Various classes will be offered depending on student requests and availability of the staff. 主题将包括:马展管理,谷仓设计,设备安全和处理.

EQUS 450 -独立学习

1 - 4学时

Examples of courses of study including the 马术的研究 minor:

  • 马术研究与商业专业的结合可能使学生能够经营培训业务, open a tack shop or other small equine-related business, 或者处理会计, 大型养殖场的市场营销或销售.
  • 选择结合心理学和马术研究的学生可能会获得马辅助治疗的认证.
  • 我们的一些学生将马术辅修与生物学辅修结合起来,为进入兽医学校做准备.
  • 一些对工程或艺术设计职业感兴趣的学生参加马术课程只是因为这是一个很好的方式来利用在线赌博所提供的一切, and because they want to stay involved with horses no matter what their career.

Thanks to the generosity of Alfred University Trustee Rob Daggett '81, 凯瑟琳·布罗梅利·达格特,58岁, 1967年的彼得和马里斯·库尼奥, AU has a state-of-the-art equestrian facility that opened in August 2005.

感谢Maris Cuneo的慷慨捐赠, 一个新的60英尺x 120英尺的杆仓(清晰跨度),带有一个用于设备存储的悬挑,已经添加到设施中. 谷仓主要用于储存干草,其余的空间将用于设置隔间,用于检疫或马展.

马类, 学生寄宿, varsity and JV teams for both English and Western disciplines, 诊所和马展都提供.

The spacious facility 占地400英亩 离学校有五分钟的车程吗. Although transportation is not provided by the University, 学生们安排搭车没有问题. 马术中心有:

  • 办公室
  • 教室
  • 查看区域
  • 200 x 80英尺的室内竞技场有墙镜以及由沙子和碎橡胶组成的基础
  • 两个户外照明竞技场:
    • 240 x 120英尺
    • 120 x 90英尺
  • 56个摊位可容纳:
    • 40多匹大学养的马
    • 14 horses belonging to university students who want to board their own horses
  • 28 electric camper hookups available for trailer parking
  • 40英亩的牧场



混合 & 匹配! (College Student Development, PoliSci, 马术的研究, Business AND Psychology)

"This community is like a family, and we all want to see each other succeed. I have spent more time in Alfred than any other place in my life, 这里将永远是我的家."

Kassandra McCarn, 2018